| DOE-HDBK-1092-2004
Identified (for the use)--Recognized as suitable for the specific purpose, function, use,
environment, application, etc. where described as a requirement in this standard. Suitability of
equipment for a specific purpose, environment, or application is determined by a qualified
testing laboratory where such identification includes labeling or listing.
Insulated conductor--See "Conductor."
Interrupter switch--(Over 600 volts, nominal.) A switch capable of making, carrying, and
interrupting specified currents.
Intrinsically safe equipment and associated wiring--Equipment and associated wiring in which
any spark or thermal effect, produced either normally or in specified fault conditions, is
incapable, under certain prescribed test conditions, of causing ignition of a mixture of
flammable or combustible material in air in its most easily ignitable concentration.
Isolated--Not readily accessible to persons unless special means for access are used.
isolation monitor, and its ungrounded circuit conductors.
Labeled--Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol or other
identifying mark of a qualified testing laboratory which indicates compliance with appropriate
standards or performance in a specified manner.
Lighting outlet--An outlet intended for the direct connection of a lampholder, a lighting fixture,
or a pendant cord terminating in a lampholder.
Listed--Equipment or materials included in a list published by a qualified testing laboratory
whose listing states either that the equipment or material meets appropriate standards or has
been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner.
porches, and like locations, and interior locations subject to moderate degrees of
moisture, such as some basements.
Dry location--A location not normally subject to dampness or wetness. A location
classified as dry may be temporarily subject to dampness or wetness, as in the case of a
building under construction.
Wet location--Installations underground or in concrete slabs or masonry in direct contact
with the earth, and locations subject to saturation with water or other liquids, such as
locations exposed to weather and unprotected.
Mobile X-ray--X-ray equipment mounted on a permanent base with wheels and/or casters for
moving while completely assembled.
Motor control center--An assembly of one or more enclosed sections having a common power
bus and principally containing motor control units.
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