| DOE-HDBK-1099-96
Evaporator Feed Tank Header Line Leak
Drill Number:
Revision Number: 0
1. Issue all drill team members a copy of applicable portions of the scenario package, a drill
chronology log, and any required cue cards or sheets.
2. Provide instructions to drill team members:
Direct any difficulties encountered to the Drill Coordinator.
Any significant violation of a SAFETY RULE or SECURITY RULE may terminate the drill.
3. Make drill team assignments, instructing drill team members of their specific responsibilities
during the drill.
4. Review scenario summary and expected sequence of events.
5. Ensure all drill team members either possess or are issued proper identification (colored
6. Initial facility conditions: None.
7. Technical Safety Requirement/Operational Safety Requirement Considerations: None.
8. Systems affected: Equipment Drains and Evaporator Sumps.
9. Methods of communications: Two-way radio.
10. Drill safety concerns: None.
11. Drill abort limits: None.
12. Identify/select affected equipment or scenario options>
A. Contamination levels of 200 CPM at source > background.
B. Contamination levels of 2000 CPM at source > background.
C. Contaminated operator. (To be used only if operator is potentially contaminated
during the drill)
13. Termination point:
Source of spill isolated/stopped, contaminated personnel evacuated, spill area isolated
and surveyed, leakage contained.
14. Obtain facility permission to conduct drill.
Instructions to Drill Participants:
1. The Shift Supervisor or Shift Manager may terminate or suspend the drill for just cause at any
B 6-4
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