| DOE-HDBK-1099-96
Normal Control Area Heating and Ventilation Failure
Drill Number: 010-02
Revision Number: 0
Initial Conditions: Control Area H&V on line at time of initiation.
Pre-drill Notifications: Mark appropriate space as notifications are made.
Precautions and Limitations: None.
Operational limits:
Technical Safety Requirements: Control Room Environment Inst. 17.3/,
Drill Team Duties: The main concern of the Drill Coordinator should be that the response is
handled logically using procedures and drawings.
Evaluator: The drill evaluator in the control room evaluates control room procedure use,
controlled drawing use, and problem solving actions. Field drill evaluator
evaluates Shift Supervisor actions.
Safety Monitor:
Terminate if Control Room environment becomes uncomfortable, and
have ventilation restored.
Drill Initiation: B20 Breaker 29 (supply to B20A) or S42-B20A is opened, resulting in a C-418
alarm due to the loss of E521, E522, E519M1 & M2, R519 and R52l.
Expected Response/Evaluation Criteria:
The Control Room dispatches an operator to C-418 in response to the alarm. The SS
watch reports the loss of Control Area H&V and that fault alarms won't clear. The CRA
verifies C177B is not the cause.
System knowledge and P&ID's should lead to checking B20A. SS finds the breaker in a
tripped condition and attempts to reclose it with Control Room permission. The breaker
will not reclose and actions are initiated to get the RSS to fix it.
B 2-2
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