| ![]() Exhibit 2.6.2
Sample Subcontractor Safety Questionnaire
Company: __________________________________________
Date: _____________________
I. Your Firm's Safety Performance and Program
Workers Compensation Insurance - Experience Modification Rate (EMR)
1. Please obtain from your insurance agent (or state fund, if applicable) your interstate
EMR for the last three rating periods and complete the following.
Most Recent Policy Year
1 year previously
2 years previously
Are the above rates interstate or intrastate? ___________________
If intrastate, which state? ________________
If your EMR is exactly 1.0 for any policy year, is it because your firm is (was) too new or
too small to have an EMR calculated?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Is your firm self-insured for Workers Compensation claims?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
2. We require back-up for the above information. Which of the following methods
would be acceptable:
Furnish a letter from your insurance agent, insurance carrier, or state fund (on their
letterhead) verifying the EMR data listed above, or
Furnish a photostat of the last 3 years, Experience Rating Calculation Sheets, which
your insurance carrier should forward to you annually; or
Furnish a photostat of the page of your last 3 years' insurance policies that shows the
modification rate and the coverage period; or
If you're in a state fund state, such as Ohio or West Virginia, furnish a photostat of
the state's last 3 years' annual statement page that shows the modification rate and the
coverage period:
OSHA Recordable Incidents
1. Furnish a copy of your firm's OSHA 200 Log and total manhours for each year from
the last 3 years. Indicate which injuries occurred at the GOCO facility.
2. Some firms are not required to complete OSHA 200 Log, because they have too few
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