| Exhibit 2.6.1
Safety and Health Training
1. Basic Job Skills and Safety Training
The subcontractor shall providing training to ensure its employees are competent and
skilled in the trade or craft that they will be practicing at facilities. They shall also
provide training in the basic safety skills necessary.
Subcontractors shall be required to submit written documentation that defines their
training systems, certifies training has occurred, and that their workers are competent to
safely perform their assigned duties.
2. Plant Specific Safety Training
The subcontractor shall ensure that all its employees have attended the GOCO facility's
safety and health orientation. They will also agree not to bring any employee into the
DOE contractor's site until that employee has received this orientation.
3. Safety Meetings
The subcontractor shall hold routine safety meetings, monthly at a minimum. These
meetings should conform to the following basic guidelines.
Subject material should be preplanned.
Subject should be job related and timely.
Meetings should be conducted by a competent person
Provisions should be made for employee feedback.
Meeting content and attendance should be documented.
Copies of these meetings should be forwarded to the GOCO facility's site contact and
safety department.
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