| DOE-HDBK-1103-96
Concensus Decision-Making (CDM) consists of consolidating the results of NGT
and coming to agreement on those results. Consensus is a general agreement
among several people. It occurs when all team members can accept and
support the decision without compromising important needs or values. In
consensus decision-making, complete unanimity is not the goal--it is rarely
achieved. but each individual should be able to accept the group's decision on
the basis of logic and feasibility. This NGT/CDM technique can be used alone or
combined with document review.
As the team is guided to consensus
on what information to keep and
Guidelines for NGT and CDM
what to delete, circle the item kept
Apply relevant criteria.
Add to your list.
and, with the same color marker,
Help others formulate their
cross through the items deleted
Present your ideas clearly and
because of the circled items. For the
logically, but don't argue.
Empower yourselves to make
next item chosen to be kept, circle it
this work!
with a different color marker and
cross through the associated items
with that same color marker. This makes it easy to see where each item was
folded into the final choices. If there are not enough different marker colors,
choose some other method to differentiate between different items. For example,
draw clouds around the final choice (rather than a circle) and draw squiggly lines
through the crossed out items (rather than a straight line).
To resolve any consensus deadlocks, first refer to the guidelines for effectively
implementing NGT/CDM to see if the team can reach consensus. If not, ask the
supervisor (prior to the seminar) who should be designated first among experts so
that person can resolve any deadlock decisions. Another idea is to focus the
team's discussion on areas of agreement and work individually on conflicts at a
later time.
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