| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1103-96
60-90 Days Prior to Seminar
Step to Perform
Since the TTNA process involves facility personnel, it is important for you
to explain the purpose of the seminar to all concerned management levels
and obtain their approval and support throughout the conduct of the TTNA
Your discussions with management should include:
Purpose of Seminar. Discuss the process that will follow before
and during the seminar and the kind of support you will require to
address your problem or concern during your discussion with
Seminar Length. Explain that the seminar will last anywhere from
2 to 5 days depending upon the type of request and the extent
and depth of the analysis that will follow.
Who Needs to be Involved. Explain that the seminar must involve
the people described in the next step, who must participate for the
entire length of the seminar. To ensure that the TTNA process
yield a successful outcome/results you must with the concerned
management input involve only those individuals who will
participate and make a valuable contribution (not someone to fill a
position for the team). Before you talk to the concerned
management read the team member qualifications listed in the
next step. Stress to your management the significance of
involving expert individuals in this TTNA seminar.
Establish Dates for 2-5 day TTNA Seminar. When seeking
management approval ask if they have suggestions for dates that
would best accommodate potential TTNA team members (consider
shift schedules, scheduled outages etc.)
Ask management to send letters to potential team members.
Refer to Appendix D, for a sample letter management can use to
invite potential team members.
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