| DOE-HDBK-1103-96
60-90 Days Prior to Seminar
Step to Perform
The facilitator's serve as process experts who may or may not possess
technical expertise regarding the performance problem being assessed to assist
in making content decisions. The TTNA facilitator must possess in-depth
knowledge about the systematic approach to training. When selecting the
facilitators, choose those who possess the interpersonal and facilitation skills
listed below.
Interpersonal Skills Needed by Facilitator
A sensitivity for others
The ability to show empathy
The ability to establish and
A sense of humor
maintain enthusiasm
The ability to make decisions(regarding
seminar processes)
Excellent listening skills
The ability to display warmth
The ability to display and
and establish rapport quickly
maintain a positive image
with team members
The ability to direct team
The ability to motivate, encourage, and
members toward a goal
focus team members
Special Skills Required of a TTNA Facilitator
Expertise in performance-based training
Experience using the TTNA training process built into this seminar
Skill in questioning techniques
A process expert who leads and controls the process but allows team
members to act as content experts making content judgements
Skill using nominal group technique
Skill in obtaining small-group consensus
The ability to establish and maintain the team's pace, and participation
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