| DOE-HDBK-1103-96
The TTNA team members determine who to invite to the briefing. They will
review the briefing prepared by the co-facilitator using the checklist provided in
Appendix F and determine what changes are necessary to the briefing content.
The facilitator will determine the content of any instructional aids that may be
used. The team will select a team member to be the presenter. The team will
then prepare the room for the briefing. One team member will present the
briefing while the others attend and answer any questions. The facilitator should
also lead a group discussion to review/revise the briefing.
The facilitator should ensure that the team reaches consensus on the briefing
content and that the briefing content focuses on the original problem. The co-
facilitator should make all necessary changes to the briefing. There should be
enough copies printed for everyone involved in the briefing. The facilitator and
co-facilitator should attend the briefing but should not participate unless
questions are asked of the TTNA process that the team members cannot
The coordinator should schedule the briefing (people, time, location), create any
instructional aids in time for the briefing, and attend the briefing.
Summary. During the summary the facilitator should explain to the team
members how the TTNA results will be used at their facility and in subsequent
TTNA processes. All team members should be thanked for their contributions.
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