| DOE-HDBK-1103-96
Step 5: Determine Cause(s) of Gaps. This is done to determine what prevents
the expected performance/results from being achieved.
The TTNA team members will participate in the appropriate process techniques
to determine cause(s) of each gap.
The facilitator should list the causes (using one color marker) for each gap on a
yellow Post-it note and place them below the gap. The facilitator should ensure
that the team lists causes and not solutions. The causes should reflect back on
the gap and the original problem. The facilitator should assign interview
responsibilities if applicable.
The co-facilitator should input the list of causes associated with each gap in the
Briefing Form.
Step 6: Determine Solution(s) for Each Gap. This step examines the gaps and
causes to decide the most appropriate way to eliminate the gap to achieve the
expected performance/results.
TTNA team members should participate in the applicable process techniques to
determine the most appropriate training and/or non-training solution(s) based on
the causes for each gap.
The facilitator should list the solutions (using one color marker) for each gap on a
self-adhesive note and place it below the gap next to the applicable cause(s).
The solutions should reflect back on the gap and the original problem.
The co-facilitator inputs the list of solutions associated with each gap in the
Briefing Form and should provide a copy of the Briefing for each participant to
review during Step 7.
Step 7: Prepare and Conduct a Briefing of the Results. This step reports the
suggested solution(s) for resolving the identified problem to management.
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