| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
Materials in this Section
Posting of Radiological Areas
need not be repeated if it
is covered in other
10 CFR 835.602 requires that each access point to a
controlled area be appropriately posted. Further, 835.603
requires that each access point to a radiological area be
appropriately posted.
Posting of radiological areas is typically a Radiological
Control Organization function. Workers should become
aware of the posting requirements.
Reference DOE N 441.2
DOE has designated the following areas as requiring
and exemptions from
Radioactive Material Area
Reference Glossary for
definition of radioactive
An area or structure where radioactive material is
material, controlled area,
used, handled, or stored.
and radiological area.
Discuss that entry
The posting/sign will indicate:
requirements may be
included on radiological
postings, (e.g., TLD
required, monitor upon
Additional posting is not required if the Radioactive
exiting and/or protective
Material Area is inside a Contamination, High
clothing required). Insert
Contamination, or Airborne Radioactivity Area.
facility-specific posting
requirements and
examples here.
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