| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
Pressure differential
Slight negative pressure is maintained in
buildings/rooms where potential contamination
High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtration
HEPA filters, which remove radioactive particles
from the air, may be used. This is commonly
required for higher levels of airborne radioactivity
such as concentrations exceeding 10 percent of the
Derived Air Concentration (DAC) for a particular
radionuclide. Charcoal filters are required for
specific radionuclides such as iodine. Ventilation
system requirements should be determined in
consultation with the Radiological Control
A DAC is the radionuclide airborne concentration.
Breathing an air concentration of 1 DAC for 1
working year (2,000 hours) will result in committed
dose equivalent equal to an annual limit, i.e., 5 rem
whole-body or 50 rem to any organ or tissue.
Flow rate
Insert facility-specific
Always check the flow rate or pressure in ventilated
enclosures before staring operations. Air flow is
easily measured with an inexpensive velometer.
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