| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Module 104 Internal Dose Control
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
expected to be produced from the
work to be performed.
Respiratory protection may also be
required for hazards present in an
area other than radioactive airborne
contamination. Health and safety
groups should coordinate the use of
respiratory protection requirements
based on all hazards present. If a
worker finds a conflict in
respiratory protection
requirements, he or she should not
enter the work area until the
conflict is resolved and the
appropriate respiratory protection
equipment is available.
Highlight the personal
Special Radiological Surveys and
contamination limits and
Techniques for Contamination Monitoring
monitoring techniques in use at
your facility. Refer the students
Alpha Monitoring
to and discuss the guidance
specified in the RCS Appendix
As workers at a ur anium facilit y,
you will likely perform self-
monitoring for the presence of
radioactive contamination.
If you recall from the general
characteristics of uranium, it
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