| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Module 104 Internal Dose Control
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
worn in uncontrolled areas such as
lunch rooms.
Protective clothing commonly
worn in the nuclear industry can
also provide beta dose reduction.
Gloves are especially helpful in
reducing beta dose to the hands
while ha ndling ur anium.
Contamination build-up inside
work gloves has lead to
unaccep table ha nd doses in some
facilities. Reuse of leather or cloth
gloves should be reviewed
carefully because of such buildup.
Workers should wear thin,
protective gl oves inside th e heavy
Respiratory Protection
Respiratory protection equipment
is used to provide protection from
airborne hazards that may be
encountered in the work
environment. Respirator use is
based on the level of airborne
contamination known to exist or
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