| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Radiological Safety Training for Uranium Facilities
Instructor's Guide
Course Goal:
Upon completion of this training, the student will have a basic understanding of
the characteristics of uranium and the precautions needed for working in an
uranium facility, which typically would include uranium fuel facilities or areas
contamin ated wit h or stor ing urani um, or sit es involv ed in cle anup pro grams
such as UMTRA.
Target Audience:
Individuals who have been assigned duties in uranium facilities. These
individuals, depending on their job responsibilities, typically would include
Radiological Workers. Depending on the facility, portions of the material may
be applicable to General Employees and/or Radiological Control Technicians.
This course illustrates and reinforces the skills and knowledge needed to provide
personnel with an understanding of the characteristics of uranium and the
precautions needed for working in a DOE uranium facility. This course is
developed in accordance with Article 662 of the RCM. The course material may
be useful in developing and providing the facility specific portion of existing
standardize d core traini ng, especiall y Radiological Worker Trai ning.
This training material is designed to augment the DOE Radiological Worker core
training. This course includes Radiological Worker training material but is not
intended to replace Radiological Worker training. It is recommended that
students complete Radiological Worker II training prior to receiving this course,
if their job responsibilities require such training. Otherwise, Radiological
Worker I training is recommended as a prerequisite.
4-8 hours (depending on facility-specific information).
Terminal Objective and Enabling Objectives Next
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