| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Radiological Safety Training for Uranium Facilities
Instructor's Guide
At the end of this training, the student will have a basic understanding of the
Terminal Objective:
characteristics of uranium and the precautions needed for working in an
uranium facility, which typically would include uranium fuel facilities or areas
contamin ated wit h or stor ing urani um, or sit es involv ed in cle anup pro grams
such as UMTRA.
Enabling Objectives:
Describe the physical, radioactive, toxicological, and chemical
propert ies and b iologic al effe cts of ur anium.
EO2 Identify t he sourc es and us es of ura nium.
EO3 Identify the various processes involved in the nuclear fuel cycle.
EO4 Identify t he radio logical concern s of exte rnal exp osure to uranium.
EO5 Describe the measures taken to control external exposure to
EO6 Identify t he modes of entry int o the bod y for uran ium.
EO7 Describe the measures taken to control intakes of uranium, including
special radiological surveys and techniques, instruments, and release
of materials.
EO8 Describ e the cri ticali ty safet y control measures for uran ium,
including inventory control measures.
EO9 Identify c ritica lity moni toring t echniqu es used wi th urani um.
EO10 Understand the facility-specific emergency response procedures
involving uranium incidents.
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