| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Module 104 Internal Dose Control
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
instrument response time will
determine the level of
contamination that can be detected.
Failing to sur vey properly can h ave
the same results as not surveying at
all. Contamina tion may go
undetected and may be tracked out
of the radiological area. Once
outside the radiological area, the
contamination may be transferred
from surface to surface. This
transfer of contamination could
result in uranium ending up inside
your body, the body of a co-
worker, or even the bodies of your
family members and friends. The
potential for spreading undetected
contamination should always be
kept in mind when performing
self-monitori ng.
Interference from Radon
One of the problems encountered
when monitoring for contamination
is interference from radon and its
decay products.
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