| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Module 104 Internal Dose Control
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
Monitoring Techniques
When performing personnel
monitoring it is very important to
keep the detector (i.e., the probe)
close to the surface being
monitored and to move the detector
slowly. If the detector is not held
close to the surface being
monitored, the alpha particles may
not reach the detector. If the
detector is moved too quickly
across the surface, the electronics
in the in strument will not have time
to respond to indicate the amount
of radioactive contamination
Discuss surface monitoring
The general method for personnel
techniques based on the audience
scanning for alpha contamination is
makeup. For example, general
to scan at approximately 2 inches/
employees or radiation workers
sec at a distance of approximately
may only be concerned with
inch. For personnel scanning for
personnel surveys, while
beta contamination, it is
radiological control technicians
recommended to scan at 2 inches/
may be concerned with
sec at a distance of inch.
equipment and building surface
However, the surface being
surveys as well as personnel
surveyed (i.e., soil, building
surfaces, equipment, personnel),
the scanning speed, and the
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