| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1114-98
If an individual is not qualified, or does not meet the facility's established exception criteria, the line
manager should designate the training and qualification requirements to be completed before task
qualification and independent job assignment. Some training may be excepted; but task performance,
as part of qualification prior to assignment to complete a job independently, should not be excepted.
2.7 Observation and Evaluation of Training
Line managers should periodically observe and evaluate scheduled classroom, laboratory, OJT, and
simulator training to verify that facility and personnel needs are met and management performance
standards are reinforced. In addition, observations of task performance may be used to verify that the
training is effective. The line manager should conduct these observations, based on established
evaluation criteria, in order to promote consistency and objectivity in the evaluations. Training activities
that do not meet evaluation criteria should be corrected. Line managers, with the assistance of the
training department, should verify that learning objectives are task-based and support improved
employee performance. Line manager observation of training can affect trainee attitude and
performance by demonstrating the importance that line management places on training.
The following is a partial list of questions the line manager can ask as a part of reviewing and evaluating
training and qualification programs:
How well do personnel perform assigned tasks?
How effective is initial classroom, laboratory, simulator, and on-the-job training and task
performance evaluation in providing the knowledge and skills necessary for personnel to work in
a safe and competent manner?
How does initial and continuing training address knowledge and skill weaknesses seen at the
facility; improve skills to accomplish selected tasks; review applied fundamental knowledge and
theory; include procedure changes, equipment modifications, and applicable facility and industry
operating experience?
Is training material up-to-date prior to use?
How does the timeliness of training topics compare with the current facility needs?
Are personnel attending the training for which they are scheduled?
How responsive is the training organization in addressing training needs?
Which specific line organization training needs have been communicated to the training
organization so they can be met?
How has the line organization provided the support needed by the training organization to
accomplish identified training needs?
Do trainers focus on equipment and system problems and solutions to these problems?
What specific training currently needs to be implemented?
How well do personnel recognize that the knowledge and skills they develop in training will be
needed in their jobs? How much time is provided for personnel to attend these training
What training is conducted by the line organization that is not supported by the training
How are facility and industry operating experiences used to provide relevancy to training?
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