| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1114-98
2.5 Temporary Employee Training and Qualification
Subcontractors and temporary employees who work independently at a facility must be qualified to
perform their assigned tasks. Line managers should review the qualifications of these individuals and
verify that they possess the skills required to perform assignments properly. In addition, the facility
should provide general employee training and facility- specific training that is applicable to the individual
job assignment.
Training and qualification for long-term subcontractors and temporary employees filling permanent
employee positions should be the same as that required for permanent employees. Short-term
contractors should be qualified for the tasks they are to perform independently. Subcontractors and
temporary employees should attend the continuing training that is appropriate for their job
responsibilities (e.g., those who work on motor-operated valves should attend continuing training and
industry operating experience training on motor-operated valves).
2.6 Exceptions
An exception refers to a release of an individual from portions of a training program through prior
education, experience, and/or testing. Line managers may grant exceptions from training within the
exception criteria established jointly by line and training managers using 5480.20A. Experienced
personnel may be considered for exception from applicable training. Exception from training
requirements should not include exception from qualification requirements. Exceptions should be
administered in accordance with facility procedures. Line managers may except personnel from training
topics on a case-by-case basis. A line manager's review of an individual's prior training and job
performance history provides data for this exception. This review should consist of one or both of the
following, or an equivalent process:
An objective, technical interview of the individual to determine work experience history,
qualifications, and training. This interview helps to ensure that work history is related to the
candidate's assignment, and may include contact with previous work supervisors.
A review of previous training and qualification records and job performance history to determine
training received and work accomplished.
To verify that the individual possesses adequate knowledge and skills, the following should be
An examination based on the learning objectives from the training being excepted. It is not
necessary to test all of the learning objectives. Input from the training and experience review
should be used to determine the scope of the examination.
An evaluation to verify proficiency of skills necessary to perform the tasks for which training is
being excepted. This evaluation may be based on the candidate performing the tasks
satisfactorily, or a technical " alk-through"or "alk-through"of the tasks. Task performance is
the preferred method.
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