| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1114-98
5.8.5 Individualized Instruction
Individualized instruction (self-paced instruction, computer-based training, etc.) may be used when the
number of trainees does not justify the resources of group instruction. This instructional method should
not be confused with the personal studying required as part of any training program. Individuals who
are participating in individualized instruction should have frequent contact with, and easy access to,
instructors and should demonstrate they can effectively study on their own. Individuals should be given
explicit instructions about study materials, required exercises, and self-tests that conform to established
schedules. Individualized instruction should include written assignments that are evaluated by an
5.9 Trainee Testing
Trainee performance should be tested regularly during and at the completion of each training program
or major segment of a training program. Possible trainee testing methods include written tests, oral
examinations, review of trainee participation during seminars and discussions, performance tests,
simulations, and drills. The test method, frequency, and standards should be specified in the training
program procedures and/or policies. The type of test that is used, the content of the test instrument,
and the standard of acceptable performance should be based on the applicable learning objectives
derived from job performance requirements. The types of questions or methods used in a test should
reflect job knowledge and skill requirements and should be varied when appropriate.
Trainee tests should be evaluated promptly and the trainees informed of their performance. Trainees
should be allowed to review their errors and be given the correct responses. Written tests should be
corrected, graded, and reviewed with the trainees as soon as possible to derive maximum benefit from
the test.
Representatives of the training and line organizations should monitor trainee performance and progress
toward completing training on schedule. They should be alert for symptoms that may indicate
misunderstanding, presentation weaknesses, or the need for remedial training and reevaluation.
Trainees should be interviewed periodically on their performance in the training program and at any time
that significant deficiencies occur. Training and line management should be kept informed of individual
progress and performance. Performance evaluation is important because it verifies that personnel can
complete assigned tasks properly. However, performance should not be evaluated solely on the basis
of " lock"time (i.e., the time it takes to complete actions) but rather on the effects of an individual's
actions or inactions and his/her ability to complete the assigned task successfully. The DOE Guide to
Good Practices for the Development of Test Items and the DOE Guide to Good Practices for the
Design, Development, and Implementation of Examinations provide additional guidance in this area.
5.10 Program Records
Auditable records of an individual's participation and performance in, or exception(s) granted from, the
training program(s) should be maintained. Individual training records should include the following (as
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