| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1114-98
5.8.1 Classroom Instruction
For classroom instruction, lectures should alternate with demonstrations, discussions, seminars, study
sessions, and trainee practice of the material being learned. Training aids should be used to enhance
trainee interest. When films and videotapes are used, an instructor should be available to emphasize
important points and answer questions. Films and videotapes may supplement, but should not replace,
live instruction. Trainees should be encouraged to participate actively in discussions and to ask
questions. Lesson assignments should reinforce the desired learning and allow for practice to develop
required skills. All written assignments should be corrected and returned promptly to the trainees to
derive the maximum benefit. Regular attendance at classroom instruction sessions and proper behavior
(punctuality, attentiveness, and performance of assignments) should be required. All missed training
sessions should be made up through appropriate study and evaluation.
5.8.2 Laboratory and Simulator Instruction
Laboratory, simulator instruction, and facility drills and walkthroughs should be preceded by lecture or
discussion designed to prepare trainees to derive the maximum benefit from the practical experience.
Training aids may be used and personnel encouraged to actively participate and to ask questions.
Laboratory and simulator exercises should be structured to provide consistent and repeatable training.
Exercises should also be designed to maximize the development and maintenance of necessary job-
related knowledge and skills.
5.8.3 Case Studies
The case study approach has been used effectively in learning from facility and industry experiences.
The case study teaching method promotes the generation of ideas and solutions by the trainees rather
than memorization of responses provided by lectures. This method gives trainees an appreciation of
events that have actually occurred. Many different case study methods and settings can be used to
enhance diagnostic, communication, and team skills by allowing personnel to apply what they have
previously learned to new situations. The DOE Guide to Good Practices for Developing and Conducting
Case Studies provides additional guidance in this area.
5.8.4 On-The-Job Training
On-the-job training should consist of a systematic process where a trainee observes and practices in-
facility activities. This training should be administered by the trainee's supervisor or another fully
qualified individual using training guides that specify the activity and standard of acceptable
performance. Qualified individuals should be designated to conduct OJT evaluations and verify a
satisfactory demonstration of job performance and knowledge requirements by personnel. A schedule
should be established for completion of specified portions of this training and individual qualification
progress monitored. Individuals, instructors, and evaluators should be alert to and take advantage of
unexpected on-the job training and task performance evaluation opportunities as they occur. The DOE
Guide to Good Practices for On-the-Job Training contains additional information to develop, conduct,
and evaluate on-the-job training.
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