| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1115-98
The DOE Guide to Good Practices For The Selection, Training, and Qualification of Shift
Technical Advisors can be used by any DOE nuclear facility that has implemented the shift
technical advisor (STA) position. DOE Order 5480.20A, Personnel Selection, Qualification and
Training Requirements for DOE Nuclear Facilities, states that only Category A reactors must
have a shift technical advisor. However, many DOE nuclear facilities have implemented the
shift technical advisor position to provide independent on-shift technical advice and counsel to
the shift operating personnel to help determine cause and mitigation of facility accidents.
Those DOE nuclear facilities that have implemented or are going to implement the shift
technical advisor position will find this guide useful.
This guide addresses areas that may be covered by other training programs. In these cases, it
is unnecessary (and undesirable) to duplicate these areas in the STA training program as long
as the specific skills and knowledge essential for STAs are addressed. The guide is based on
the premise that the trainee has not completed any facility-specific training other than general
employee training.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this guide is to provide information on the STA training and qualification
program. The guide is based on STAs being assigned specific responsibilities and duties
within the shift crew. The responsibilities and duties of the STA should be proceduralized.
Some typical responsibilities and duties of STAs include the following:
During transients and accidents, compare existing critical parameters to facility-specific
safety feature limiting values, and provide an independent verification of engineered
safety features to the shift supervisor.
Immediately report to the operating crew any abnormalities or facility parameters that
may represent a challenge to the engineered safety features or that could result in a
degradation of the safety level.
Assess facility parameters during and following an accident in order to ascertain
whether facility damage has occurred or appears imminent.
During emergencies, use redundant and diverse facility indications to verify that no
engineered safety feature is being challenged.
Provide recommendations to the shift supervisor on appropriate corrective actions to
restore facility parameters to acceptable values. This includes recommendations for
the selection of specific abnormal, emergency, and safety function restoration
Investigate the cause(s) of abnormal or unusual events that occur and assess any
adverse effects; recommend changes to procedures or equipment to prevent
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