| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1115-98
Evaluate the effectiveness of procedures in terms of terminating or mitigating accidents
and make recommendations when changes are needed.
Assist the operators in evaluating the operability of facility equipment to comply with the
provisions of facility Technical Safety Requirements (Technical
Specifications/Operational Safety Requirements). Provide results of assessments to
the shift supervisor so that appropriate actions are taken to address any facility
conditions that do not satisfy the limiting conditions for operation.
Perform a preshift review of facility status and planned activities for the upcoming shift
to ascertain whether special considerations or precautions are warranted, and make
appropriate recommendations to the shift supervisor.
Trend critical plant parameters during normal operation to detect early warning of
potentially serious conditions.
Assist the shift supervisor in classifying an emergency in accordance with the
emergency procedure implementing plan.
This guide contains good practices for the selection, training, qualification, and professional
development of STAs. Training and qualification programs based on this guide should provide
assurance that STAs perform their jobs safely and competently. Training design,
development, and implementation should be based on Systematic Approach to Training (SAT)
1.2 Background
The Department of Energy identified the need for STA training, qualification, and professional
development guidance in DOE Order 5480.20A, Personnel Selection, Qualification and
Training Requirements for Nuclear Facilities. This DOE Guide to Good Practices for the
Training and Qualification of Shift Technical Advisors was developed to expand the guidance
given in DOE Orders, but it is not intended to duplicate the information contained in them. The
information in this guide was developed on the basis of requirements of DOE Orders and DOE
nuclear operating experience.
1.3 Application
The content of this guide is generally applicable to all DOE reactor and non-reactor nuclear
facilities, with the exception of those topics which relate specifically to reactor activities.
Portions of the programs outlined may not be applicable to all facilities because operations
department organizations, titles, and responsibilities vary among DOE reactor and non-reactor
nuclear facilities. Facility training personnel can verify the adequacy of or improve existing
STA training programs by adapting the portions of this guide that are applicable to their
specific facility STA needs. To avoid duplicative or conflicting recommendations, DOE facilities
and activities that are subject to regulation by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
should use the recommendations of the NRC in lieu of this guidance.
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