| DOE-HDBK-1118-99
This guide provides a framework around which facility-specific continuing training programs
can be tailored. It does not specify the content of continuing training programs that would apply
to any specific facility. Determination of program content should be an ongoing effort at each
The long-term goal of a continuing training program should be to maintain and improve
employee job performance. A short-term goal of continuing training should be to identify and
correct weaknesses in their performance. To help in accomplishing these goals, the objectives
and priorities of continuing training should be determined by using needs analyses, job
analyses, feedback from facility managers, supervisors, and trainees, periodic evaluation of
performance during facility operation, operating experience, compliance training, and the
results of examinations. Whenever continuing training is conducted using material originally
developed for initial training purposes, the specific objectives to be covered should be clearly
To maintain and enhance the proficiency of facility personnel, a program with both a fixed and
a flexible component is suggested. The fixed component is designed to maintain proficiency
by providing a structured review of topics selected from the initial training program over a two-
year period. The flexible component is used to correct actual or potential weaknesses of
personnel and to train on operating experiences, modifications, and procedure changes.
Each facility should have a process for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their
personnel. This process should include analysis of job and training performance evaluations,
examination results, interviews designed to assess knowledge, or any combination of these
methods. This information should be used to help in determining topics for continuing training
and the minimum acceptable standards of performance for individuals. Additional attention
and priority should be given to areas of individual and team weaknesses.
2.1 Fixed Continuing Training
The fixed component of a continuing training program should satisfy needs and job analysis
results, regulatory compliance training, general employee training, and fundamentals training.
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