| DOE-HDBK-1118-99
Maintain the professionalism of personnel
Maintain excellence in operating practices, procedures, and facility design.
The continuing training program material and content should be periodically reviewed and
approved by line and training management. Additional training should be considered for an
individual or group, depending on the following:
Individual or team performance on the job
Individual or team performance in training
Qualification/Certification requirement changes
Requests for additional training from facility personnel
Discretionary training identified by line management.
Continuing training should be a priority effort for every facility. Activities that require major
rescheduling or deferral of training should require senior management approval.
The continuing training program should address the following:
The knowledge, skills, and abilities that support important or difficult tasks
Team training that should include scenarios that involve the entire operating staff (this
includes maintenance and technical support)
Training cycles designed around a cluster of related tasks, including associated theory,
procedures, systems, and integrated operations
Evaluations of each employee and team for comprehension of the training delivered
during each training cycle. Before returning the employees or team to their effected
duties, correct any identified weaknesses that could impact facility safety or reliability.
Evaluate individual and/or team performance on a periodic basis prior to conducting
additional training to accurately assess understanding of subject matter presented.
Each facility should use a formal process to evaluate and provide feedback on the
effectiveness of its continuing training program. Evaluation and resultant improvements
should be implemented on an ongoing basis. Line management should review and approve
revisions to the continuing training program.
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