| DOE-HDBK-1118-99
1.1 Purpose
This guide provides contractor training organizations with information and methods useful in
the development and implementation of continuing training programs using a Systematic
Approach to Training (SAT) process. It can be used with DOE orders, standards, and
handbooks to aid in the development of continuing training programs. It should be used in
conjunction with the DOE Training Program Handbook: A Systematic Approach to Training and
the DOE Handbook for Alternative Systematic Approaches to Training.
This guide is based on good practices used at DOE and commercial facilities. Contractors
may use these guidelines as they develop or modify their program.
1.2 Discussion
The goals of continuing training are to maintain and enhance the ability of personnel to
perform job assignments and to ensure facility safety and reliability. To achieve these goals, a
continuing training program should cover the knowledge and skills required for safe operations.
The program should also be flexible enough to cover industry operating experiences,
performance problems, facility modifications, and procedure changes. A facility can meet
these needs by ensuring that the continuing training program satisfies the following broad
objectives (as applicable to the facility):
Maintain and upgrade the skills and knowledge necessary for personnel to accomplish
routine and emergency duties
Maintain the employees' awareness and understanding of the need for the safe
operation of the facility
Emphasize the importance to personnel of lessons learned from operating experience
to prevent repetition of errors
Correct personnel performance deficiencies
Evaluate individual and team performance to identify areas for improvement
Train on facility modifications and procedure changes in a timely manner
Maintain teamwork and diagnostic skills
Maintain the level of understanding of applied fundamentals presented in initial training
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