| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
Low-Level Waste (LLW) is any waste that has radioactive contamination values above the
unrestricted release limit (DOE Order 5400.5).
Sanitary Landfill Waste, which has no value and is below the unrestricted release limit, is waste
and may be disposed of in a DOE Sanitary Landfill. Disposal of this waste at a Non-DOE
Sanitary Landfill may be done after notifying the appropriate state agency of the DOE
authorized limits for this activity.
Reusable Equipment, such as computers, tools, electrical instruments, drill presses, etc., which
can be used if released without restriction from the facility and has value, is not waste. If the
equipment is contaminated above the unrestricted release limit and can be transferred and
used at another radiological or nuclear facility, it is not waste.
Usable Materials, such as nails, bolts, nuts, sheet rock, plywood, plastic sheet, barrels,
decorative rock, sand, gravel, brick, unused chemicals, etc., which can be used if released
without restriction from the facility and have value, are not waste. If the material is
contaminated above the unrestricted release limit and can be transferred and used at another
radiological or nuclear facility, it is not waste.
Scrap, such as scrap non precious metal, scrap precious metals, scrap wood, scrap,
chemicals, etc., which can be sold as scrap if released without restriction from the facility, has
value, and is not waste.
8.1 Approved Limits for the Release of Contaminated Materials and Property Containing
Residual Radioactive
For release and disposal, materials that exhibit radioactive surface contamination less than the
values in the revised Figure IV-1 of DOE Order 5400.5 (which is planned to be specified in Table 1,
"Surface Activity Guidelines," of 10 CFR 834), fall into three categories.
Category 1 Disposal in a DOE or non-DOE Sanitary Landfill
Category 2 Disposal and/or Treatment in a DOE or Non-DOE RCRA Treatment, Storage, and
Disposal Facility
Category 3 Transfer of Ownership (either by sale or other means) to Members of the Public
The Category 1 materials may be released/disposed of without further regard to residual
radioactivity if they are at or below the values specified in the revised Figure IV-1 of DOE Order
5400.5 or the Table 2 values to be specified in 10 CFR 834. Site policies and procedures should
clearly describe the use of these values and how other requirements of the Order (such as ALARA,
survey measurement record keeping, and compliance with the specific requirements of the
disposal facility) are met. Disposal at a Non-DOE Sanitary Landfill must meet the same
requirements as waste disposed at a DOE Sanitary Landfill, and the appropriate state agency must
be notified of the DOE-authorized limits for this activity.
Category 3 material must meet the same requirements as Category 1 material and the appropriate
state agency and/or NRC Region must be notified of the DOE-authorized limits for this activity.
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