| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
8.1.1 Release Limit Requirements for Surface-Contaminated Material
There are two DOE directives: Federal Rule 10 CFR 835, "Occupational Radiation Protection," and
DOE Order 5400.5, which cover the control limits and methods of removable surface
contamination measurement.
Appendix D of 10 CFR 835 specifies surface contamination value for use in determining whether a
location needs to be posted as a contamination or high-contamination area (Subpart G), and if an
item is considered to be contaminated and cannot be released from a contamination or high-
contamination area to a controlled area (Subpart L). 10 CFR 835 does not permit unrestricted
release of contaminated items. The surface contamination value for removable tritium is 10,000
dpm/100 cm. In addition, Footnote 6 of Appendix D provides a requirement to consider the
migration of tritium from the interior of an item to the surface when applying the surface
contamination value for tritium.
The second regulation concerns the release of materials per the requirements of DOE Order
5400.5. This document provides requirements for unrestricted release of contaminated objects.
This requirement is described in the document "Response to Questions and Clarification of
Requirements and Processes: DOE 5400.5, Section II.5 and Chapter IV Implementation
(Requirements Relating to Residual Radioactive Materials)." [34] This document recommends the
use of 10,000 dpm/100 cm2 as an interim guideline for removable tritium. This limit is also
specified in Table 1, "Surface Activity Guidelines." (See Appendix D.)
The committee drafting ANSI standard N13.12, "Surface and Volume Radioactivity Standards for
Clearance," during a presentation at the 1998 annual meeting of the Health Physics Society,
reported that the proposed screening level for unrestricted used items with residual levels of tritium
on the surface was 600,000 dpm/100 cm, of which no more than 20% or 120,000 dpm/100 cm
should be removable. This recommendation has not yet been approved for publication by ANSI.
Although not specifically addressed in the regulations, users should be cautioned that, in some
cases, the initial, relatively clean concrete surface measurements did not accurately characterize
the bulk tritium contents (see 4.6.2).
8.1.2 Removable Surface Contamination Measurement Process
The regulatory requirements are not specific as to how the removable surface contamination wipe
is to be done or whether or not it is to be wet or dry. Footnote 4 of Appendix D to 10 CFR 835
states that a dry wipe may not be appropriate for tritium, but does not provide an explanation as to
what may be appropriate. As a result, it would seem that either a wet or dry wipe can be used and
still meet the requirements of 10 CFR 835. The requirements stated in "Response to Questions
and Clarification of Requirements and Processes" [34] include: "The measurement should be
conducted by a standard smear measurement but using a wet swipe or piece of Styrofoam,"
although in Table 1 of this document, a dry wipe (i.e., a dry filter or soft absorbent paper) is
specified. The "should" included in this sentence and the use of Styrofoam would seem to allow
for the use of either dry or wet wipes.
The use of a wet or dry wipe to determine removable surface contamination levels is noteworthy
due to possible differences in measured levels between the two techniques.
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