| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
Free liquids Liquids that readily separate from the solid portion of a waste under ambient
temperature and pressure. (DOE 5820.2A)
Hazard Category 1 A facility in which the hazard analysis shows the potential for significant
off-site consequences. Category A reactors and facilities designated by PSO. Regardless of
the quantity of tritium, a facility that handles only tritium is not a Hazard Category 1 facility
unless it is designated so by the PSO. (DOE-STD-1027-92, Rev. 1)
Hazard Category 2 A facility in which the hazard analysis shows the potential for significant
on-site consequences. Facilities with the potential for nuclear criticality events or with sufficient
quantities of hazardous material and energy, which would require on-site emergency planning
activities. The threshold tritium inventory for a tritium facility to be designated as a Hazard
Category 2 facility is 30 grams or 300,000 Ci. (DOE-STD-1027-92, Rev. 1)
Hazard Category 3 A facility in which the hazard analysis shows the potential for only
significant localized consequences. Facilities included are those with quantities of hazardous
radioactive materials that meet or exceed values in Table A.1 of DOE-STD-1027-97. The
threshold for tritium is specified as 1.6 grams or 16,000 Ci. (DOE-STD-1027-92, Rev. 1)
Hazardous materials Those materials that are toxic, explosive, flammable, corrosive, or
otherwise physically or biologically health-threatening. (DOE 5480.22)
Hazardous wastes Those wastes that are designated hazardous by EPA regulations
(40 CFR 261). (DOE 5820.2A)
Leak tight A leakage rate that complies with ANSI N14.5-1987, which is less than or equal to
1 x 10-7 std cm3/sec. (standard cubic centimeters of gas per second) across a pressure gradient
of 1.0 atmosphere. This rate is equivalent to the leakage of 4 x 10-12 moles of air or helium per
second. (DOE-STD-3013-94)
transuranic waste, or spent nuclear fuel or 11e(2) byproduct material as defined by this Order
(5820.2A). Test specimens of fissionable material irradiated for research and development
only, and not for the production of power or plutonium, may be classified as low-level waste,
provided the concentration of transuranic is less than 100 nCi/g. (DOE 5820.2A)
Mixed waste Waste containing both radioactive and hazardous components as defined by the
Atomic Energy Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, respectively. (DOE
Nonreactor nuclear facility Those activities or operations that involve radioactive and/or
fissionable materials in such form and quantity that a nuclear hazard potentially exists to the
employees or the general public. Included are activities or operations that
Produce, process, or store radioactive liquid or solid waste, fissionable materials, or
Conduct separations operations;
Conduct irradiated materials inspection, fuel fabrication, decontamination, or recovery
Conduct fuel enrichment operations;
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