| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
Perform environmental remediation or waste management activities involving radioactive
Incidental use and generating of radioactive materials in a facility operation (e.g., check and
calibration sources, use of radioactive sources in research and experimental and analytical
laboratory activities, electron microscopes, and X-ray machines) would not ordinarily require the
facility to be included in this definition. Accelerators and reactors and their operations are not
included. The application of any rule to a nonreactor nuclear facility should be applied using a
graded approach. (DOE 5400.5)
Nuclear facility Reactor and nonreactor nuclear facilities. DOE-STD-1027-92 defines
inventory thresholds for DOE Order 5480.23 compliance and resulting applicability of nuclear
facility requirements.
Primary containment The first barrier to an uncontrolled release of hazardous/radioactive
material to the environment and/or other areas in the facility. The barrier may/may not serve for
containment of the radioactive material. (U.S. DOE Tritium Focus Group)
Primary containment vessel The outermost sealed container intended for safe storage.
When used as the outermost container for storage, it would also be used for shipping. (DOE-
Protective Action Guides (PAGs) Projected numerical dose values established by EPA,
DOE, or States for individuals in the population. These values may trigger protective actions
that would reduce or avoid the projected dose.
Radioactive waste Solid, liquid, or gaseous material that contains radionuclides regulated
under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and of negligible economic value
considering costs of recovery. (DOE 5820.2A)
area," "high radiation area," "very high radiation area," "contamination area," "high contamination
area," or "airborne radioactivity area" in accordance with 835.603 (10 CFR 835). (DOE
10 CFR 835)
Radiological facilities
1. Facilities that do not meet or exceed Category 3 threshold criteria specified in DOE STD-
1027-92, Rev. 1, Table A.1, but still possess some amount of radioactive material may be
considered Radiological Facilities. The Category 3 threshold quantity of tritium is 16,000
curies. Radiological Facilities are exempt from the requirements of DOE 5480.23, but are
not exempt from other safety requirements. (DOE-STD-1027-92, Rev. 1)
Radiological facilities are those with an inventory of radiological materials below the levels
as defined in DOE-STD-1027-92, (currently 16,000 curies) but above the reportable quantity
value (currently 100 curies) listed in Appendix B to Table 302.4 (per 40 CFR 302). This
lower limit of 100 curies is applicable to EM and DP facilities. (DOE-EM-STD-5502-94)
Receiving and/or shipping area An area or two different areas that have been designated as
radioactive materials Receiving and/or Shipping Areas and have been posted for the receipt and
shipment of packaged radioactive materials.
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