| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
Receiving and/or shipping, storage area An area or two different areas that have been
designated as the Receiving and/or shipping Area, Storage Area and have been posted for the
storage of packaged incoming and outgoing shipments of radioactive materials.
physiological characteristics arrived at by international consensus (ICRP Publication 23). These
characteristics may be used by researchers and public health workers to standardize results of
experiments and to relate biological insult from ionizing radiation to a common base. The
"reference man" is assumed to inhale 8,400 cubic meters of air in a year and to ingest 730 liters
of water in a year. (DOE 5400.5)
Release of property As used in DOE Order 5400.5, it is the exercising of DOE's authority to
release property from its control after confirming that residual radioactive material (over which
DOE has authority) on the property has been determined to meet the guidelines for residual
radioactive material in Chapter IV of DOE Order 5400.5 or any other applicable radiological
requirements. There may be instances in which DOE or other authority will impose restrictions
on the management and/or use of the property if the residual radioactive material guidelines of
Chapter IV of DOE Order 5400.5 are not met or if other applicable Federal, state, or local
requirements cause the imposition of such restrictions. (DOE 5400.5)
Safety analysis A documented process that:
Provides systematic identification of hazards within a given DOE operation
Describes and analyzes the adequacy of the measures taken to eliminate, control, or
mitigate identified hazards
Analyzes and evaluates potential accidents and their associated risks. (DOE Order
Safety analysis report (SAR) A report that documents the adequacy of safety analysis for a
nuclear facility to ensure that the facility can be constructed, operated, maintained, shut down,
and decommissioned safely and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. (DOE
Safety-class structures, systems, and components (safety-class SSCs). Systems,
structures, or components including primary environmental monitors and portions of process
systems, whose failure could adversely affect the environment, or safety and health of the public
as identified by safety analyses (DOE 5480.30)
Safety-significant structures, systems, and components (safety-significant SSCs).
Structures, systems, and components not designated as safety-class SSCs, but whose
preventive or mitigative function is a major contributor to defense in depth (i.e., prevention of
uncontrolled material releases) and/or worker safety as determined from hazard analysis.
Secondary containment The second barrier to an uncontrolled release of hazardous or
radioactive materials to the environment and/or other areas in the facility. The barrier may/may
not serve for containment of the radioactive material. (U.S. DOE Tritium Focus Group)
Sievert The dose delivered by a point source of 1 mg of radium, enclosed in a platinum
container with walls 1/2 mm thick, to a sample at a distance of 1 cm over a period of 1 hour.
Soil column A system that incorporates an in-situ volume of soil through which liquid waste
percolates from ponds, cribs, seepage basins, or trenches with the primary purpose being to
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