| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
Structural Systems
Unreinforced masonry construction
Non-ductile concrete construction
"Soft" story construction
Incomplete lateral force resisting systems
Welded steel connections
Irregularities, eccentricities, and discontinuities in both weight and geometry
Pounding or impact with nearby facilities
Inadequate hoop reinforcement in concrete columns
Reinforcing steel connections
Connection details
Accommodation of differential motion
Ensure foundation adequacy by avoiding the following:
Ground failures
Excessive or differential settlement
Ensure that lifelines are not damaged.
Provide flexibility in lifeline connections to the facility.
Identify important lifeline functions such as power, water, sewer, gas, and
communications that will be needed immediately after an earthquake or windstorm.
Examine the vulnerability of lifelines onsite as well as offsite.
Plan for alternative lifeline support.
Examine and prepare for the possibility of a fire following the earthquake.
Employing mitigation efforts before earthquakes or windstorms occur is a very cost-effective
means to provide life safety, to minimize damage and losses, and to reduce the impact on the
facility and operations. It is extremely important to pay attention to all details because natural
phenomena will find the weak links and cause damage.
4.5 Other Design Considerations
The following items should be considered in the design of a facility with tritium operations.
Designated safety-class systems should employ the concepts of redundancy, separation, and
diversity. Some designs in the past, notably at Building 233-H at SRS (i.e., RTF), employed
redundant signals to a single actuation device. An improvement to this design concept would
be to provide these redundant signals to two independent, separate (by distance) actuation
A design requirement should be included to prevent the formation of explosive mixtures during
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