| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
containing particulate enclosed in another drum; and wooden or steel box with particulate
enclosed in a 6-mil sealed plastic liner inside the box.
Gases: Pressure in the waste box shall not exceed 1.5 atmospheres absolute at 20oC.
Compressed gases as defined by 49 CFR 173.300 are generally not accepted for disposal
unless the valve mechanism has been removed or it is obvious that the container has been
Containers, Vessels, Manifolds: Containers, vessels, and manifolds that have been exposed to
tritium and should remain sealed, must be certified to contain no pressure greater than 1.5
atmospheres absolute prior to packaging as waste.
Stabilization: Where practical, waste should be treated to provide a more structurally and
chemically stable waste form.
Etiologic Agents: LLW containing pathogens, infectious wastes, or other etiologic agents as
defined in 49 CFR 173.386 are generally not accepted.
Chelating Agents: Chelating or complexing agents at concentrations greater than 1 percent by
weight of the waste form are generally not accepted.
Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Polychlorinated Biphenyls contaminated LLW is generally not
accepted unless the Polychlorinated Biphenyls concentration is less than 50 ppm
Explosives and Pyrophorics: Material in a form that may explode spontaneously or combust if
the container is breached is generally not accepted for disposal.
8.4 Waste Shipping
The shipping requirements for Class 7 (radioactive) material can be found in Section 6.1. If the
tritium waste is mixed with RCRA constituents, a hazardous waste manifest and Land Disposal
Restriction notification is required for offsite shipments. See Section 7.1 for RCRA pre-transport
requirements associated with mixed waste. In addition, any containers less than 110 gallons in
capacity must be marked as hazardous waste in accordance with 40 CFR 262.32.
During shipment, the waste package must meet the current DOE and DOT regulations for
shipment of the form and quantity of radioactive material; i.e. Limited Quantity, Type A Quantity,
and Type B Quantity.
DOE Order 5820.2A, from which the 1.5 atmospheres requirement is taken, has been superceded by DOE
O 435.1, but in the revised Order the 1.5 atmosphere requirement only applies to initial gaseous forms
("Low-level waste in a gaseous form must be packaged such that the pressure does not exceed 1.5
atmospheres absolute at 20C.") Another requirement from DOE O 435.1 states, "When waste is packaged,
vents or other measures should be provided if the potential exists for pressurizing containers or generating
flammable or explosive concentrations of gases within the waste package.
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