| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
A.1 General Data
Avogadro's Number = 6.023 x 1023 molecules/mole
STP conditions: 760 Torr, and 0oC (1 atm and 273K)
1 mole of ideal gas at STP = 22.414 L at 0 C, and approximately 24.2 L/mole at room
1 Sievert (Sv) = 8.38 roentgens = 100 rem
A.2 General Tritium Data
Tritium decays to 3He + beta + neutrino
Half-life of tritium (Scientific purposes) = 12.323 0.004 years (4500.88 1.46 days)
Half-life of tritium (Accountability purposes) = 12.33 +/- 0.06 years (DOE M 474.1-2,
Figure IV-2)
Tritium decay factor = 0.99984601/day
Maximum beta energy of decay (E max.) = 18.6 keV
Mean beta energy of decay (E mean) = 5.69 keV
Volume of 1 Ci of tritium at STP = 0.386 mL
Tritium gas = 9619 Ci/g
T2 gas contains 58023 Ci/mole
2.589 Ci/cm3 of T2 at STP
Diameter of a tritium atom (approximate) = 1.1 Angstroms
Dissociation energy, T2 to 2T = 4.59 eV
Ionization energy, T to T+ + e- = 13.55 eV
Atomic weight = 3.01605
Gram molecular weight of tritium = 6.0321 g
Grams tritium/liter at STP = 0.269122 g/L
Liters/gram of tritium at STP = 3.71579 L/g
Boiling point of tritium at 1 atmosphere = 25.0 K
T2 gas, at 1 atmosphere pressure and 25oC = 2.372 Ci/cm3
Tritiated water, T2O = 3200 Ci/cm3
A.3 Regulatory Quantities
Type B Quantity = > 1080 Ci
Type A Quantity = > 0.108 to <1080 Ci depending on form
Limited Quantity = < 21.6 Ci of tritium in gaseous form
< 1.08 Ci of tritium in solid form
< 1 Ci of tritium at a concentration of > 1 Ci/L liquid
< 100 Ci at a concentration of > 0.1 to < 1 Ci/L liquid
< 1000 Ci at a concentration of < 0.1 Ci/L liquid
A2 Quantity = 40 TBq (1080 Ci)
Limited Quantity Excepted Package Requirement for tritium
- Radiation level < 0.005 mSv/hr (0.5 mrem/hr)
- Quantity of radioactive material < limit in 49 CFR 173.425
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