| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1130-98
Module 1: Radiological Fundamentals
Instructor's Notes
3. Gamma rays/X rays
Physical characteristics
EO6 Identify the four basic
types of ionizing radiation
1) Gamma/X-ray radiation is an electromagnetic wave
and the following for each
(electromagnetic radiation) or photon and has no mass
and no electrical charge.
a. Physical characteristics
b. Range
2) Gamma rays are very similar to X rays. The
c. Shielding
difference between gamma rays and X rays is that
d. Biological hazards
gamma rays originate inside the nucleus and X rays
e. Sources
originate in the electron orbits outside the nucleus.
3) Gamma/X-ray radiation can ionize as a result of direct
interactions with orbital electrons.
b. Range
1) Because gamma/X-ray radiation has no charge and no
mass, it has very high penetrating ability.
2) The range in air is very far. It will easily go several
hundred feet.
c. Shielding
Gamma/X-ray radiation is best shielded by very dense
materials, such as lead. Water or concrete, although not
as effective as the same thickness as lead, are also
commonly used, especially if the thickness of shielding is
not limiting.
d. Biological hazards
Gamma/X-ray radiation can result in radiation exposure to
the whole body.
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