| DOE-HDBK-1131-98
General Employee Radiological Training
Instructor's Guide
DOE Limits (EO2)
EO2 - IDENTIFY the relative risks of
exposure to radiation and
The risk of these effects
radioactive materials, including
occurring is minimiz ed by
prenatal radiation exposure.
having special protective
measures for the embryo/fetus
of a declared pregnant women.
The limit for the embryo/fetus is
500 millirem for the period from
Note: Explain that there are ongoing
conception to birth.
scientific discussions concerning the
validity of extrapolating high dose
1) A worker may voluntarily
data to these very low numbers.
notify her employer, in
The real risk may actually be
writing, when she is
significantly lower.
2) It is the recommendation of
DOE's Radiological Control
Standard that the employer
provide the option for a
reassignment of work tasks
to a declared pregnant
worker, without loss of pay
or promotional opportunity,
such that further
occupational radiation
exposure is unlikely.
4. Comparison of risks of occupational
radiation doses with other health
risks (EO2)
The risk of working with or around
sources of ionizing radiation can be
compared to the risks we accept as
part of everyday life.
These data address the expected
effect on the average life span of a
large population of individuals
subjected to the risk factor/behavior
in question.
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