| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1131-98
General Employee Radiological Training
Instructor's Guide
The risk of heritable effects from
ionizing radiation is considered
to be very small when
compared to other naturally-
occurring heritable effects and
difficult to detect over the
natural background rate of birth
3. Prenatal effects (EO2)
EO2 - IDENTIFY the relative risks of
A developing embryo/fetus is
exposure to radiation and
especially sensitive to ionizing
radioactive materials, including
radiation. Radiation is one of many
prenatal radiation exposure.
agents that may cause harm to the
embryo/fetus (i.e., chemicals, heat,
etc.). Significant radiation doses
(>10,000 millirem) to the
embryo/fetus may increase the
chances that the child will develop
conditions such as a small head
size, lower birth weight, and/or
slower mental growth.
Possible effects
Optional: The natural rate of birth
Radiation dose to the
defects in the US is ~ 11%. A
embryo/fetus may increase the
25,000 millirem dose to the
chances that the child will
fetus/embryo may increase the
develop conditions such as
chance of a birth defect from 11% to
slower growth or mental
development or childhood
cancer. These effects can also
DISCUSS declared pregnant worker.
be caused by many other
hazards in our environment.
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