| DOE-HDBK-1131-98
General Employee Radiological Training
Instructor's Guide
5. Know where and/or how to contact
Radiological Control personnel in
your work area.
6. Comply with emergency procedures
for your work area.
7. Keep exposures to radiation and
radioactive materials ALARA and
know the Administrative Control
Levels and Dose Limits.
8. Know your cumulative and annual
Monitoring (Dosimetry)
Since radiation cannot be detected
Discuss/show dosimeters used at
with the human senses, special
facility. Discuss any facility specific
detection devices must be used.
monitoring used for GERT trained
Workers should become familiar with
the equipment and devices used to
measure and detect radiation and
radioactive material, as applicable to
their job functions. Monitoring is
only required if you are likely to
receive a dose in excess of 100
millirem in a year. Therefore, it is
possible based on your job function
and location that you will not be
provided a dosimeter.
(Insert facility-specific information)
Some workers are monitored for
intakes of radioactive material (e.g.,
inhaling or ingesting radioactive
material). This is typically done by
either using an apparatus (e.g.,
whole body counter) to detect the
material or by analyzing a sample
the individual provides (e.g.,
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