| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Two additional factors should be considered while designing environmental
concrete structures to help control cracks and improve water tightness: rebar
spacing and water - cementitious ratio.
This section contains design considerations useful to electrical design personnel
involved in designing power, lighting, and special systems within DOE nuclear facilities.
This guidance represents good design practices based on lessons learned from various
design, construction, startup, and operations experiences. General electrical guidance
is provided in DOE Handbook on Electrical Safety, DOE-HDBK-1092.
The following factors should be considered in the design of electrical systems:
number of required operating personnel;
number and types of processes to be operated;
duties of operating personnel;
control panel and consoles arrangement;
operator man-machine interface;
instrument equipment functions;
testing considerations;
maintenance considerations;
lighting methods and intensities;
communications facilities;
control center location relative to the rest of the plant;
control center access and egress pathways;
security and safety considerations;
office and utility room requirements;
computer room;
software engineering area;
ambient noise levels and abatement devices;
HVAC requirements-- ambient temperature, air quality, and humidity;
fire protection requirements;
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