| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
wiring methods and requirements (including fiber optics);
static electricity discharge requirements;
grounding requirements;
essential documents storage and reference area;
electromagnetic compatibility;
power requirements;
human factors/ergonomics (see Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE)-1023, IEEE Guide for the Application of Human Factors Engineering to
Systems, Equipment, and Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations, and
International Society for Measurement and Control (ISA) RP60.3, Human
Engineering for Control Centers);
the need for uninterruptible power supplies; and
the need for DC sources.
Basic Electrical Materials and Methods .
Standard off-the-shelf electrical materials and equipment used on installations
are acceptable if they have been tested and labeled by a nationally recognized
testing laboratory (international standards organization or recognized testing
agency). If no products are listed or labeled, evaluation and approval by the
authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) (usually the site safety department) for the
subject facility should be adequate. On-site acceptance testing is recommended
for each major electrical component and system.
The use of electrical metallic tubing should be avoided in areas where it may be
subject to severe physical damage. Conduits encased in concrete ductlines
should be PVC.
Flexible conduit is recommended for conduit connections to equipment subject to
vibration. Use of liquid-tight-flexible metallic conduit with suitable fittings for
outdoor installations subject to vibration is also recommended.
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