| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Instrumentation and control systems should be required at an RSWF to
provide monitoring and control capabilities associated with confinement,
nuclear criticality safety, and radiation protection.
period following emplacement when short-lived nuclides dominate the hazards
associated with a disposal facility, the engineered system of barriers should
remain effective and should contain the emplaced wastes. Typically, this time
period is considered to include at least 300 years but not more than 1,000
years following permanent closure. Technical criteria associated with the
engineered system of barriers should address the following:
establishment of a high-integrity confinement system during emplacement (to
limit the rate of release of radionuclides from the system),
in situ stresses affecting the engineered system of barriers,
corrosion affecting the engineered system of barriers,
radiological effects on barrier integrity, and
contact with groundwater.
During the long-term period, reliance should not be placed on the engineered
system of barriers to contain emplaced waste. Confinement during the long-
term period should be accomplished by the geologic setting. Technical criteria
associated with the geologic setting should address the following:
leaching characteristics of waste and waste binders;
site and soil characteristics, including fractures, porosity, hydraulic
conductivity, sorption, hydraulic gradient, and thermal gradient;
long-term geologic stability;
groundwater travel time;
absence of resources that would be an incentive for human intrusion; and
stability of rock mass.
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