| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
A storage or process building should provide secondary confinement for
transuranic-contaminated liquid wastes.
Tank and piping systems used for transuranic-contaminated waste
collection, treatment, and storage should be of welded construction to the
extent practical. Construction materials should be selected to minimize all
forms of corrosion. Consideration should be given to stress relieving,
welding parameter controls, etc., depending on the materials used.
Fatigue failure should be a design consideration where temperature
cycling is required (i.e., evaporator systems, etc.).
Process and waste storage vessel vents should be considered.
Nuclear criticality safety should be considered in the design of primary and
secondary confinement structures and components.
Introduction . Radioactive solid waste facilities (RSWFs) are used to store,
treat, and dispose of the range of solid waste generated by DOE facilities and
activities. This waste contains high-level, low-level, and transuranic-
contaminated solid waste including radioactive-mixed waste. An RSWF may
be a separate facility or an adjunct to another facility.
Design Considerations . The design of RSWFs should consider the design
features described below. Design requirements vary significantly depending
on waste characteristics, waste management techniques, and site
Cooling water systems or cooling air systems should be provided, where
required, for facilities and equipment associated with the interim storage
or treatment of high-level radioactive solid waste, and to maintain the
long-term integrity of the primary confinement boundary. To the extent
practical, passive cooling means should be used for air cooling systems.
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