| DOE-HDBK-1132-99
RLWF confinement system (see Table I). The actual confinement system
requirements for a specific RLWF should be determined on a case-by-case
The degree of confinement required in a RLWF is both storage-specific
and process-specific, but in either case should suit the most restrictive
case anticipated.
The primary confinement system consisting of the process equipment
and/or primary storage tanks should operate under process conditions
that prevent or minimize the potential of explosive chemical reactions.
Spills, overflow, or leakage from storage vessels or other primary
confinement structures should be collected and retained within a suitable
secondary confinement structure (e.g., secondary vessel, dike or berm,
elevated threshold within a storage or process building, etc.). The
secondary confinement structure should be able to retain the maximum
radioactive liquid waste inventory that may be released by a spill,
overflow, or leak from the primary confinement structure. For outdoor
applications, the capacity must also include maximum predicted
precipitation. The structure should also be designed to preclude
overtopping due to wave action from the primary vessel failure and, in
outdoor applications, to wind-driven wave action. The capability should
exist to transfer collected liquid from the secondary confinement structure
to a suitable storage location.
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