| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Provisions should be made for the continuous monitoring and recording
of radioactivity, flow volume, pH, and other parameters required for
material control and proper waste treatment operations while each
volume of industrial waste is being received by an on-site treatment plant.
This monitoring allows optimum control of waste treatment operations and
helps prevent unintended off-site releases.
Liquid process wastes containing radioactive or other hazardous material
should be collected and monitored near the source of generation before
batch transfer through appropriate pipelines or tank transfer to a liquid
waste treatment plant or area. Radiation, liquid level, or conductivity
detectors should be provided in collection systems. Monitoring not only
provides information useful for planning efficient waste treatment
operations, but also can serve as an indicator of unintended fluctuations
in process operations.
The airborne radioactive waste sources typically associated with RLWFs
and RSWFs that should be considered during the design include but are
not limited to radioactive liquid waste process vessel vents, high-level
liquid radioactive waste collection and storage tank vents, airborne
effluents from process system vents, and fission product gases. Effluent
system designs should preclude the holdup or collection of fissile material
or other material capable of sustaining a chain reaction in portions of the
system that are not geometrically favorable. Nuclear criticality safety
should be considered in the design of airborne effluent systems.
Provisions should be made to handle combustible gasses generated
during waste handling and/or storage.
Consideration should be given to condensation and deposition of
aerosols formed in vent lines.
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