| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
hazardous chemicals before release to the environment. The concentrator
bottom should be collected and solidified in containers with content meeting the
waste acceptance criteria of existing or potential waste disposal site(s).
Explosive or highly flammable materials should not be stored in proximity to
these wastes. U.S. NRC R.G. 3.10, Liquid Waste Treatment System Design
Guide for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants, provides useful
guidance that should be considered.
Introduction . PSFs typically contain strategic amounts of plutonium. The
guidance contained in this section applies to facilities where strategic amounts of
plutonium or significant quantities of other transuranic radionuclides, such as
neptunium and californium, are stored. This section does not apply to "n
process"or "n use"material, to material in assembly cells for use in weapons, or
to material that is packaged in approved containers awaiting either transportation
or disposition upon receipt.
Note that
Pu presents special design challenges because of its high specific
activity. Those considerations are not addressed here.
Design Considerations . The design of PSFs should accommodate all planned
plutonium handling and storage activities (e.g., analysis, shipping and receiving
operations, packaging, and unpackaging). Provisions should be made to
minimize the build-up of packaged materials or packaging materials. Receiving
operations involving removal of radioactive material from protective shipping
containers should be performed in an unpackaging room.
Facility design, to the maximum extent practical, should:
provide sufficient versatility to accommodate equipment for programmatic
changes and modifications and for multi-shift operations,
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