| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Materials of different uranium assays should be handled in physically
different trains of equipment even though duplication of equipment
results. If this is not possible, the equipment should be sized for criticality
control of the greatest uranium enrichment.
For enriched uranium that has been irradiated and reprocessed, a
definitive isotopic specification for the uranium should be adopted before
facility design is begun.
In addition to provisions for handling uranium and other radioactive
materials such as trace quantities of fission products and transuranics,
the design should provide for the safe handling of other hazardous
hydrogen fluoride, and magnesium) used or generated during recovery
Introduction . Radioactive liquid waste facilities (RLWFs) store, treat, and
dispose of radioactive liquid wastes generated by facilities and activities. This
waste includes low-level, high-level, and transuranic-contaminated (to include
enriched uranium and
U) waste. An RLWF may be a separate facility or an
adjunct to another facility. RLWFs may include waste treatment activities that
separate solid and liquid waste constituents with provisions for disposing of
noncontaminated waste.
Design Considerations . The design of RLWFs should consider the features
described below. Design requirements vary significantly depending on waste
characteristics, waste management techniques, and site characteristics.
The use of multiple barriers should be emphasized when necessary to
restrict the movement of radioactive liquid waste that has the potential for
human contact or for reducing groundwater quality below requirements.
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