| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Measurement and analysis capability should be provided to determine the
volume and radioactivity of wastes fed to collection tank(s). Provisions
should be made for analyzing liquids prior to transfer. Each transfer line
should be identified individually. Instrumentation and control systems
should be used to provide monitoring and control capabilities associated
with confinement, nuclear criticality safety, and/or radiation protection.
Individual lines should be used for each waste stream fed to central
collection tanks, where necessary, to prevent chemical reactions or
introduction of contaminants such as complexing agents that could
interfere with waste decontamination. The use of traps in radioactive
liquid waste lines should be avoided, and piping should be designed to
minimize entrapment and build-up of solids in the system. Bypasses that
would allow waste streams to be routed around collection tanks should be
avoided. The radioactive liquid waste treatment system should contain
no bypasses or drains through which waste may inadvertently be
released directly to the environment.
Basic liquid waste treatment concepts include volume reduction,
immobilization of radioactive material, change of composition, and
removal of radioactive material from waste. The waste treatment
concept(s) for a particular application should be selected on a case-by-
case basis. To the extent practical, features should be included to allow
volume reduction and/or waste solidification (immobilization) to forms
required for long-term isolation.
Provisions should be made to adjust liquid waste characteristics prior to
treatment to minimize adverse chemical reactions in the treatment
Recirculating closed-loop cooling systems should be used for facilities
and equipment associated with the storage or treatment of high-heat,
high-level radioactive liquid waste.
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