| DOE-HDBK-1139/2-2002
Argonne National Laboratory Chemical Management Program
1.0 Introduction and Scope
The Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) Chemical Management System (CMS) electronically integrates
chemical tracking, procurement, and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). ANL implemented its CMS
in 1992 to address the need for an enterprise solution to track tens of thousands of chemicals and MSDSs.
In 1999, the CMS was expanded to include chemicals from ANL-West in Idaho Falls.
2.0 Chemical Life-cycle Program
ANL's CMS has two key modules: the MSDS System and the Chemical Tracking System (CTS). The
MSDS system enables rapid search and location of an MSDS, specific information retrieval from the
MSDS, or delivery of the entire MSDS. Linkage of each chemical record with the corresponding MSDS
allows immediate retrieval of ingredient, Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number, and hazard
Over 33,000 scanned MSDS images are available for viewing, printing, or faxing. New chemical
purchases are captured through electronic interfaces with Procurement Systems. Chemicals are assigned
bar-codes at the receiving dock, and inventory records are created to streamline chemical ordering and
record keeping. The CTS maintains inventory records for over 110,000 bar-coded chemicals, including
location and ownership information.
The CMS facilitates compliance with environment, safety, and health (ES&H) regulations and provides a
tool for maintaining safe working environments. Reports from the system identify which chemicals are
carcinogens or date-sensitive and provide data for completion of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
TRI and SARA reports.
Other system features include satellite waste area records, bulk chemical tracking, gas cylinder inventory,
and a surplus chemical bulletin board for waste minimization. MSDS searching, viewing, and printing is
available on the Laboratory's Intranet. In addition, a laptop computer program with integrated bar-code
scanning was developed to facilitate initial and periodic re-inventory and material reconciliation.
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