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Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Chemical
Management Program
1.0 Introduction and Scope
The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) developed a chemical
management program that integrates requirements, procedures, tools and an Integrated Safety
Management System (ISMS) into one system. This program is used to track and control chemicals
throughout their life cycle through the use of the INEEL Chemical Management System (ICMS)
database. There is also an integrated ESH review (via an Agent/Chemical Request and Evaluation, 442
Form) which is used to initiate ICMS records, as well as ensure facility personnel are aware of new
chemical being acquired and stored in their facilities.
2.0 Chemical Life-cycle Program
2.1 Hazard Identification and Analysis
The Chemical Data Summary Sheet (CDSS) is a part of a larger INEEL Chemical Management System
(ICMS) -- a computerized tracking system for chemical products, chemicals, or hazardous agents
(CPCHA). INEEL developed the CDSS as a tool to aid in hazard identification. Chemical safety experts
evaluated every CPCHA at INEEL and developed a CDSS for each. Information on the CDSS includes
the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) diamond; a listing of all hazards; and a compatibility
classification, time-sensitive classification, and building code classification for the identified CPCHA.
While the CDSS is not a replacement for an MSDS, it does contain site-specific safety information that
cannot be found in an MSDS and that information is presented in a standardized format
When planned work involves CPCHAs, the MSDSs and CDSSs for these CPCHAs are gathered. A
checklist is used to perform a preliminary analysis to determine (1) the severity of the work that will be
performed, (2) the level of analysis that needs to be conducted, and (3) the personnel who need to be
involved in the analysis process.
During the hazard analysis process, hazards are evaluated and mitigation is determined. Walkdowns of
the work area are performed as necessary, and the final safety documentation (e.g., safe work permits) is
generated. Employees are trained on the hazards present including the hazards of general classes of
materials, and hazard mitigation is identified, along with hazard controls. Work is then performed within
those controls. If an unexpected event occurs during the work process, the work is stopped and is not
restarted until sufficient analysis is performed to determine how work can safely be resumed. Upon
completion of the work, particularly in the operations area, a post-job briefing is held to provide feedback
and to determine any improvements.
2.2 Chemical Acquisition
A series of reviews are performed before procuring a CPCHA. The first review determines whether the
requestor has used that CPCHA before for the same purpose. If the requestor has used the CPCHA
previously and for the same purpose, no further review is required and the acquisition request can

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